Shrine of LP


Linkin Park Widget!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Why should you love Linkin Park??

Linkin Park made its debut in early 2000 and now, in 2008, it is one of the best rock bands in the world. But why do people love LP??? Here are some reasons:

1) Listening to rock music helps the brain to become sharper, especially before exams.

2)LP not only has its own style, with Chester screaming his head off, it also has got original tunes that appeal to the public.

3)The unique combination of rap music, electric guitars, pianos and drums has been perfected by LP. They have made their own combinations with Chester’s tone variety.

4)They have huge variety. They sing on global themes like global warming (What I’ve Done) to tender issues like love (In Pieces, Valentine’s Day) and regret (No More Sorrow, Leave Out All The Rest) and repression (Numb).

5)They know what is appealing to the public. So they visit places, hype up their songs and use their humble behaviour to impress everyone.

6)They have got talent. Come on, who can sing in such high pitches like Chester does? And see the way Shinoda raps?? Not to mention the other band members too.

7)They have their very own DJ. How cool is that??

That's why LP is the best!!!!!!!!!!!

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